
Holly Bradley

Holly is currently undertaking a PhD within the School of Molecular and Life Sciences at Curtin University.  Her research focusses on understanding the critical abiotic, biotic and behavioural requirements for colony establishment and persistence of an endangered reptile species for improved reintroduction management.

Prior to her PhD studies, Holly completed a Bachelor’s degree with Honours at the University of Western Australia, which involved vegetation mapping and creating a pollen library for a newly gazetted nature reserve, as well as investigating the vulnerability of an unstudied population of Honey Possums.  Prior to her PhD, Holly was also employed as an environmental consultant and has been an advisor for the DBCA.  She has also developed her skills internationally, as a Sloth Technician for a non-profit, participating in the first research into the success of releasing rehabilitated sloths into the wild.  Her research interests include zoology, ecology, and conservation management.